Data Architect

Data Architect

Structure data for optimal access, performance, and integration.

Will be responsible for building new data sets and data structures as required to support business needs, and for managing the distribution, replication, and archival of data.

Date Architect will manage the balance of current and future needs in both design and content.

This role will have rare blend of skills normally found in the specialized roles of business analyst, data modeler, and database analyst.

Data Architect will work closely with BI data architect to ensure compliance with all standards, and to ensure that the project deliverables are consistent with the integrated data model and other information architecture deliverables.

  • Minimum of 5 years of professional experience in  Big Data/analytics/AWS 
  • Event-driven/microservices in the cloud- Experience with private and public cloud architectures, pros/cons, and migration considerations
  • Extensive hands-on experience implementing  Solution using AWS services: VPC/SG, EC2, S3, AutoScaling, CloudFormation, LakeFormation, DMS, Kinesis, Kafka, Nifi, CDC processing
  • Redshift, RDS, Aurora, Neptune, DynamoDB, Cloudtrail, CloudWatch, Docker, Lambda, Spark,Glue, Sage Maker, AI/ML, API GW, etc.
  • Familiarity with the Technology stack available in the industry for data management, data ingestion, capture, processing and curation: Kafka, StreamSets, Attunity, GoldenGate, Map Reduce, Hadoop, Hive, Hbase, Cassandra, Spark, Flume, Hive, Impala, etc.

Skills: Data Warehouse, Future State Design, Data Analysis, Data Modelling, Database Reporting

Job Category: Data Architect
Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Remote across US
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